Specialists in palliative care

St John’s Hospice Care

Our purpose is to be there for one of the most difficult times people will face, today and tomorrow. Our aim is to ensure that on the journey towards the end of life, we provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
St John’s Hospice is a local charity which provides free palliative care to patients with life shortening illnesses. We support patients and families over a population area of 250,000 people from Grasmere to Garstang and from Sedbergh to Morecambe St John’s has been caring for patients and families at home and in the hospice every minute of every day since 1986. The Hospice building was built by the people, for the people.
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Hospice Care Services

To find out more about our different hospice care services please click on the service you would like to know more about.

Why Hospice care is so important

“You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”
Dame Cicely Saunders
Founder of the UK Hospice Movement
St John’s is a specialist in palliative care, which means providing patients with relief from symptoms and end of life care. We treat people with life-shortening illnesses e.g. cancer, heart failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and more.
The hospice’s experienced team of specialists work together with our patients to make sure they are getting the care and support they need to live their life their way, as much as possible. We provide outstanding palliative care in the hospice and in patient homes by wrapping physical, psychological, social and spiritual care around patients and families.

We provide care in the hospice on the inpatient ward and also through therapies, social work and bereavement support. St John’s also provides care, compassion and support in people’s homes with Hospice at Home, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Therapists and Palliative Respite teams.

Our care will always be free to those who need it, but it isn’t cost free. It costs nearly £400 per hour to run the hospice with only around a third of this amount provided by local NHS funding. The remaining two thirds must be raised through events, community donations, grants and legacies: we never forget we’re here because of you.